A reader recently emailed me the following question:
I just found out I’m pregnant and I’ll be needing a breast pump for when I return to work. I’ve been researching online, and it seems that every breast pump has both really good and really bad reviews! I don’t know if I should be looking for a manual or electric, a single or a double. I hate to say it, but I’ll pay for quality, I just don’t know WHICH pumps are actually worth paying more for! If I can save money by going with a budget option that really works, I’d be happy with that, too 🙂
Readers, I can find good deals on breast pumps, but I haven’t used one enough to feel comfortable recommending one. Have you found that a higher cost means higher quality? Did you happily use a more affordable pump? Please leave a comment with your suggestions!
Anonymous says
My son was 5 weeks premature. He had problems latching on in the beginning because he was so small, so I decided to buy a breast pump. I wasn't sure if he would even learn to latch on so I went with an electric dual pump. I got the Medela Pump In Style Advanced Breastpump Shoulder Bag. It cost me about $270 from Babies R Us. I am so happy I spent the money on this pump. I used it daily for the first month and a half and now use it once a night to pump for milk for my son's cereal.
You will want a dual, electric pump if you want to get the milk faster. In the beginning it took about 20 minutes to empty my breasts, but now can empty in 5-10 minutes. The bag looks just like a purse, so would be great for carrying around at work.
In my opinion, the more money you spend, the better the quality of the pump.
Kellyann says
Medala is the best!!! Model depends on how much the breast pump will be used.
Anonymous says
I loved my Medela Pump in Style Advanced. I actually got mine in the hospital after my son was born. You should check with your insurance company to see if they would cover the cost of a pump. Mine did, I just had to have my doctor "write a perscription" for it and all I had to pay was the co-pay!!!
Anonymous says
Medela Pump in Style Advance is the best! I bought mine at BRUs for about $225…It runs about $270 but I combined it with a 20% off coupon..
Anonymous says
I loved my Medela. I used it for both my children and have now passed it on to my sister for her child. It is SO effective. If you do pump there are yahoo groups for mothers that pump.
Anonymous says
I had to pump once I returned to work. I LOVE the Medela Pump in style advanced. I pumped for 10 minutes and the job is done! I have twins, so pumping for two takes alot, but the Medela did the job for me! If you are serious about nursing, spend the extra money!
Jill says
I'm a member of a breastfeeding (online) support group and the experienced pumping moms seem to all prefer the Medala Pump In Style Advanced (double electric), hand down! For the most success, though, you need to let the baby nurse when possible! (mornings, nights, and on the weekends) The pump just doesn't keep your supply up like a little nursling can! 🙂
Anonymous says
I have a Lansinoh double electric though I only use one of the pumps. I found it at Meijer on clearance for $60 when it's normally about $150. It gets the job done. I also have a Playtex manual pump for when I'm out and away from baby. I'm happy with these pumps, but I've never used any other.
Sarah Duncan says
I also have the Lansinoh double electric which is great. It is the same pump as the Ameda Purely Yours, but it is packaged for Lansinoh. It is cheaper than the Medela, but both are considered professional/hospital grade pumps. Another nice thing about the Ameda/Lansinoh is that it is a closed system- the milk never goes through the tubing so you only have to wash the collection parts.
Leah says
I have the Avent manual pump. It works great in some situations when you don't have electricity (long car trips, at certain work locations, etc). I'll definitely keep using it, if there's a baby #2 someday!
Emily E. says
You definitely want a double electric pump if you are going back to work. Medela Pump in Style is the hands down favorite in the pumping world. I have the regular PIS, but I would get the PIS Advanced if I had to buy another one.
On the other hand, I absolutely LOVE my Avent Isis handheld manual single pump. I used it for a while when I returned to work with great results. Eventually it started taking too long and I switched to the PIS.
Bert, Amanda, Trey, and Boyd says
I absolutely love my Medela pump in style advanced shoulder bag! With a prescription, I was able to get a discount at the hospital giftshop (maybe 20% off). I had used a single medela pump with my first son and it would take 20+ minutes to pump both sides. With the Medela pump in style (double) advanced, I could pump both in more like 15 minutes! The bag is great–not obviously a pump :). I almost always buy items used or on sale, but this is one thing that I think is worth paying the money for!!! I used mine for a whole year (8 weeks thru 14 months) and I think it really helped!
Erin says
It really depends on what your pumping needs are. If the reader is going to be a SAHM and doesn't need to pump very often, a manual pump like the double Lansinoh pump will be excellent. If planning on returning to work at some point, a double electric pump is a must! It's pricy, but the Medela Pump in Style is great for someone who has to pump daily.
MelissaT says
I am a pumping mom and use the Medela Pump in Style Advanced. I have used it for almost a year with no problems. I would HIGHLY recommend a hands-free bra to use while pumping at work too! If you are going to be working a lot definitely I found a quality pump is key, but I haven't tried any of the cheaper ones.
Teresa says
My baby was also premature and I actually rented a hospital grade double pump (Medela Symphony) for 3 months. It was covered by insurance because my baby was in the NICU and my doctor wrote us a prescription for the pump. After that, I bought the Avent Isis manual pump and it's great because it actually works just as well as the electrical pump. And it's very portable for when I'm out and about with no electricity. The only draw back is that it's a single pump. Hope this helps!
Anonymous says
I loved my Medela Pump in Style Advanced. I waited for a good percentange off coupon from BRU. It was worth the money.
Erica says
I haven't had my baby yet so I cannot speak from personal experience. I bought an Ameda Pump in Style for when I return to work. It is a double electric that received excellent reviews. However, you should check with your hospital, I know mine gives you (read bills your insurance somehow I'm sure) a medela single electric pump.
Karissa says
My baby is not here yet but she'll be here in 4 weeks or so. I have yet to find a negative review about Medela. The best price that I've found is from bestbuybaby.com and it's only $200 for the pump in style advanced(it includes free shipping and you don't have to pay taxes if you dont live in NJ).
Anonymous says
I had a Lansinoh pump that ended up breaking a few weeks into using it. So I splurged for a Medela and used it for 7 months of pumping (I couldn't breastfeed so I used it A LOT). So go for the good stuff!
Anonymous says
I had the Medela pump in Style bag too and appreciated the lack of effort on my part…(we did have a hurricane without power for 2 weeks in the midst so a manual pump would not have been a bad idea for this just in case), but wonderful and great that you can do both sides at the same time.
However, I also highly recommend either a hands-fee pumping bra or making your own since it is a nuisance to not be able to do anything (including taking care of a baby) when you do use a double pump. I had a hands-free bandeau that was wonderful! (available online)
Jennifer Harris says
My son would not latch so I pumped EVERYTHING for 6 months using only my Lansinoh double electric pump. It is SO much cheaper than a Medela and worked great for me. I never had a single issue and I pumped A LOT!! That being said, Medela is a great pump as well, but you will pay a lot more.
Mercedes says
Just wanted to stop by and give another vote for Medela pumps. I bought mine in 2005. Used it for a year (working and pumping with my first son). It did awesome! Then used it for another year with my second. Only once a day. But towards the end it started losing suctio. I contacted Medela about it this year because I am pregnant again and will be needing my pump again. They sent a replacement part entirely for FREE. I am ecstatic. Medela gets my full vote of confidence. You may this $230 for a pump is a lot of money but it isn't at all! think of how much you will save on formula and you can use it with more than one child.
Medela Pumps are the best if you are looking for an electrical breast pump. I own the Pump and Style older model which I picked up on sale online. It does not have all the bells and whistles as the advanced model but it works wonderfully. They are pricey but WELL worth the investment! Plus, I have never heard of anyone having trouble getting replacement parts or customer support. Their customer service is outstanding!
Wynnster says
I have a medela pump in style as well. I bought it used, which of course they say not to do. But since NO liquid goes anywhere near the pump I can't think of any logical reason why you shouldn't be perfectly fine with a used pump; as long as you replace the tubes, valve, and membranes
Stephanie says
I have the Medela Pump in Style. If you plan on pumping after you go back to work, you HAVE TO get a double-you will be so glad you did!!!! I like mine-it works great 🙂 I bought mine new but wish I would have bought it used on eBay or something… I know that is not recommended but I don't know why, especially after using one. Your milk does not go in the pump at all… you can always buy new parts and your milk will never touch where someone else's milk was…