I just read on a few websites that some pediatrician’s offices are giving out Enfamil flyers that offer a free case of 24 ready-to-feed bottles of Enfamil formula!
Collin at Hip2Save posted that you just need to call this number 1-800-BABY123 to request yours, BUT some people are reporting that you need additional information from the flyer to secure your sample. BabyGoodBuys reader Lisa saw the post on Hip2Save, but then she did a little digging and found this thread on TheBump forums that tells you everything you need to know!
Were you able to get your sample?
Becca says
WHOO HOO!!! I was able to get it! Just make sure you know on the ribbon its says “call today, limited time offer.”
Kim says
fyi….Enfamil says they are now out of the “promo” formula.
lilygirly says
I called this afternoon, around 1 PM NY time. The waiting time was 20 min on the phone and I only mentioned that I got a flyer for the promotion, they didn’t ask for any other details or code. They asked for my name, address and due date. Then they said they would sent it within 5-7 days. Hope it comes.
Emily says
Can’t find the offer for 24 free bottles
Can you help me with this?
Selina says
Hello there’s literally no enfamil infant formula in any of my nearby stores , can someone help me get a free case ?