Please use the comment boxes to share any ideas, suggestions, or constructive criticism. I can assure you my feelings won’t be hurt, and I can use the information you offer to improve this site. Your thoughts will also guide me to make those changes to get rid of areas that aren’t helping anyone.
The more honest and forthright you can to be, the better. I want to hear specifics on how you think this blog can be improved. I can’t promise to implement every suggestion, but I can assure you that I will read every single comment and consider each one.
As a way of saying thank you, I’m giving away a $25 Amazon gift card to one randomly-selected reader who fills out the survey. The survey will be open through the end of the day today, January 16, 2012, and a winner will be chosen and posted by Friday, January 20th.
FYI, your privacy is VERY important to me! The information provided will ONLY be used to improve this site and it won’t be shared with any other business or individual. I’m providing the Amazon gift card for the winner, so your details will not be passed on in any way. -Marybeth
Julie says
So bummed.. I placed the order but they cancelled it!