There are few things in the world I love more than Disney. The fact that Monkey Kingdom is the newest DisneyNature film now on DVD and Blu-Ray is almost made me jump up and down with excitement.
I absolutely love primates. When I go to the zoo it’s the only exhibit in my must see category. I could watch them for hours, and someday I’d love to see them in their natural habitat.
Between the fantastic zoos we have in Minnesota and Disneynature Monkey Kingdom I feel like I’ve at least come close to observing monkeys in their native habitats.
About Disneynature Monkey Kingdom:
From Disneynature, the studio that brought you Chimpanzee and Bears, comes MONKEY KINGDOM, a spectacular tale set among ancient ruins in the storied jungles of South Asia.
Maya, a clever and resourceful monkey, finds her world forever changed when she welcomes her son Kip into her colorful extended family.
As Maya strives to keep Kip safe through unexpected and sometimes perilous adventures, amazing footage captures all the magic and surprises of their magnificent world.
Maya and her family will make you laugh and warm your heart as she realizes her dreams for her son’s future.
The thing that’s always drawn me to monkeys and other primates is how similar they are to humans. Not just in physical form, but in social and emotional manners.
Monkey Kingdom demonstrates this in both subtle and obvious ways, and I loved introducing my children to these similarities in such an entertaining way!
My kids, Haiden and Piper, have watched a few Disneynature films in the past, but Monkey Kingdom is the first one I’ve watched with them from start to finish.
I was floored at the depth of the story that was told within the film. It’s amazing that an entire, intimate narrative was written around observing the actual life of monkeys in the wild. The story hooked everyone in my family in.
It wasn’t until hours after the movie ended that I realized what an incredible feat of storytelling Disneynature accomplished by writing the story of Maya and her son Kip.
A few more things I loved about Monkey Kingdom:
Tina Fey is the narrator: Tina Fey is absolutely my favorite comedian, but her role as the narrator in Monkey Kingdom is mostly serious.
At the same time, her wit shines through with a few well-timed lines, and the motherly, familiar tone of her voice helps draw you into the story.
The Disneynature Conservation Program: Disneynature is making a donation to Conservation International for every digital and Blu-ray combo pack sold during first-week sales.
That donation will help protect endangered species in their natural habitat, supporting conservation projects across Indonesia, Cambodia and Sri Lanka.
The bonus features: The Disneynature Monkey Kingdom Blu-ray combo pack (includes Blu-Ray + DVD + Digital Copy) comes with the following bonus features:
- A Special Thank You from Disneynature
- Tales From The Kingdom
- On The Set of Monkey Kingdom with Jane Goodall and Wolfgang Dittus
- Disneynature Monkey Kingdom: The Conservation Story
- It’s Our World Music Video Performed by Jacquie Lee
The FREE printable Monkey activity sheets: Click the image below or click here to get your own Disneynature Monkey Kingdom printable activity sheets!
Disneynature Monkey Kingdom is available in a Blu-ray combo pack, which includes the film on Blu-ray, DVD and a digital copy.
Disneynature Monkey Kingdom has a suggested retail price of $40, but right now it’s on sale for $24.95. That’s 38% off the list price and it’s eligible for free shipping!
Disclosure: I received this DVD from Disney and/or the associated PR firm at no charge to facilitate the review.
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