This is a Once Upon a Child review written by my sister, Molly. She’s full of great ideas and I love her contributions!
Recently I found myself with an abundance of of clothing my kids had outgrown. Most of it was either purchased on clearance or at garage sales, and some of it had been given to us as gifts.
There were even a few brand new items with tags still on them that I hated the thought of putting in a garage sale. With our large family, we always seem to have lots of clothing that does not fit.
I thought I would try selling these items at a used clothing store. The retailer that I chose to try out was Once Upon A Child. This is a national chain store for baby and kids resale.
We have a garage sale every year. Sometimes I make lots of money in the garage sale, and sometimes I do very poorly. If you have ever had a garage sale you know they are a lot of work! If it rains it’s a bust!
I have sold my kids items on Ebay but sometimes it is not worth it. Between the money spent on listing and selling fees, and the time spent on shipping, receiving payments and simply listing the items, I sometimes question whether the payoff is worth the money and effort spent.
I have also sold items in my local classifieds and on Craigslist, but you have to check email, answer telephone calls, and you have to be home to have buyers pick up items (if they even show up!).
One more problem with this way of selling is you may not ever actually sell the items or get a decent price for them.
The Once Upon a Child experience can be summed up in one word: EASY.
All the items you bring in must be in-season, washed and stain-free. They don’t require an appointment, so I walked in the store with two laundry baskets full of clothes.
I filled out a simple form (name, address, phone number and email address for future coupons and promotions-yay!) and gave the form to the clerk with my clothes.
The employee looked through my stuff while I shopped, then called my name to let me know she was done. The shop picked several items they wanted to buy, presented an itemized list with an offer, and I received a check.
If you don’t accept the offer, you can take all your items back without any questions. If you accept their price they write you a check.
The whole process took less than an hour and the store even had a great little play area for kids!
While I waited for the clerk to review and total up my items, I had a bit of time to shop around the store. I found their prices to be very reasonable! Higher than a garage sale, but about equivalent to a consignment sale or thrift store.
This store had baby items, accessories, equipment and kids clothing of all sizes. It was well-organized by size and gender, and very easy to shop. I will definitely be returning to Once Upon a Child. I really enjoyed both the selling and shopping experience!
Once Upon A Child is a national chain store with many locations. Go to their website to find a store near you!
Marybeth’s Note: Have you had experience selling used items at a local or national resale shop? What did you think?
Wencked says
OUAC is a franchise and each store is different. I used to shop them frequently, until I had a bad experience. I was with my young child (2 months) and had to wait well over 1 hour to get my small amount of items priced. When it was all said and done they didn’t offer to buy anything I was selling (mainly infant/newborn items). I wasn’t as upset about them not buying my items as I was with the long wait. I feel they could have quickly looked over my items and then let me know they weren’t buying infant/newborn items, instead of keeping me waiting 1.5 hours. I emailed my complaint to the main office and the local store. The main office was very nice, but I heard nothing from the local store. So I am no longer a supporter of my local OUAC (Oak Hill, TX).
M&M&M says
I have not tried to sell anything to them, but I have heard some of the offers they have made to people. It is easy, but often very poor return on money initially spent. You should be able to tell this since the prices in the store are (as mentioned above) only a little higher than garage sale prices. Excellent place to buy, not as good to sell. We have a biannual local consignment sale near us (a national sale Just Between Friends– that is far better to sell items at. They offer 65-70% (depending on your location etc…) of the price YOU set, not them. IT is super easy to print out tags and awfully fun to shop there as well. I will be saving our stuff for these two sales a year (well, we actually have 2 sales in our area, making 4 a year).
M&M&M says
I have not tried to sell anything to them, but I have heard some of the offers they have made to people. It is easy, but often very poor return on money initially spent. You should be able to tell this since the prices in the store are (as mentioned above) only a little higher than garage sale prices. Excellent place to buy, not as good to sell. We have a biannual local consignment sale near us (a national sale Just Between Friends– that is far better to sell items at. They offer 65-70% (depending on your location etc…) of the price YOU set, not them. IT is super easy to print out tags and awfully fun to shop there as well. I will be saving our stuff for these two sales a year (well, we actually have 2 sales in our area, making 4 a year).
marybeth at says
Thanks for the comments! Wencked, I would likely be just as upset as you were for waiting so long for no reason.
M&M&M, I think it totally depends on how much time you want to spend and also how much you initially invested in the items. The reviewer stated that she had purchased some items at garage sales originally, so the return for those items was probably really good! Pair that with being able to quickly unload the items and that makes sense to me. If you're spending more money initially, then taking a little more time to prep for a consignment sale might be worth it.
Also, keep in mind that some areas don't have consignment sales to get rid of children's items. I know my hometown does not have anything like that.
cakibs says
I have sold stuff to OUAC in the past. It’s good if you don’t have a price in mind that you want for the items…because what they offer you is very likely to be below the price you had in mind. I brought in a really nice shopping cart cover ($40 brand new) and they offered me $4 for it. I turned around and sold it on Craigslist for $25.
Erika says
I like selling to them as a last resort. They pay very little and are extremely picky. I do like going to their store, though, very enjoyable, and the children’s play area is a nice bonus. Good review!
Anonymous says
The closest OUAC to us in Dublin, OH is dirty, and smells of smoke and musty clothing scents. They take a lengthy time to price out, and offer very little for items. One visit I experienced, they told me 24 hours to price out. I went back in 24 hours later…price out still not ready; but they told me to give them 2 hours and they’d have my money ready. I sat at McD’s next door for 1.5 hours while my kids ate a less-than-healthy meal and played on dirty equipment…only to have them call my cell and tell me a single employee called in sick (at 6pm in the evening?) and they couldn’t get to my items. That was the final straw for me. I utilize C’list, donate to Goodwill, and offer friends/family…this is much more satisfying for me.
Marybeth says
It sounds like yours is a very poorly-run store! It sounds like experiences at OUAC are very hit-or-miss, which can be the case with franchises. I do appreciate hearing everyone’s experiences, though! Hopefully we’re all learning something 🙂
Kat says
I love OUAC its is super easy and hassle free, the prices are a little on the cheap side but if you dont want to mess with it, it is a great place. This year I started consigning at Just Between Friends!! Its a bit of a pain printing all the tags and the prep takes a min, but its worth it. You set your own price and get %70! Not to mention you get to shop before it opens to the public, I got some great deals at this last sale =)
Charles Poulos says
My wife and I lost our child at 7 months. We were destroyed by he passing. Obviously at that time we had purchased a lot of clothes and items for him. We took the brand new clothes with tags and price tag to Once Upon a Child. They offered me $41.85 for 49 brand new with tag items. Talk about taking advantage of a deep grief and loss. This company should be ashamed of themselves. Pure greed and predator upon the grief stricken people just to make a buck. Do not consign, sell or buy from this low life company. Shame shame shame on you.
may says
poor you.. using your child passing as a way to try to get more money out of a store that sells them for CHEAP.. prices are set as is from the corporate office. nobody was taking advantage of you and nobody made you sell to them.
Amy says
I have sold allot of new toys and clothes and got only $20 back. Next time I will be just donating. I rather give it for free than get few bucks from them.
Ash says
Agreed i thought maybe it was just my store in Fairview heights but all the once upon a child’s sell their items i feel like for $1-$2 per item… i sold a pair of clean all white Nike air max, Nike flip flops, Nike KD tennis shoes, white and black Addidas and a few shirts and they gave me $24 for all those items i didn’t expect a lot but expected to have gotten a fair price for my clothing… walked back in the store a few days later and seen those same shoes each priced at $30.. THey gave me $24 for 4 pair of shoes that u can still go to the mall and get and then turn around and sold each pair of shoe for $30… i was in shock.. great place to buy terrible place to sell…
Chelsey says
Totally done with once upon a child. Bought a bunch of clothing from them, baby girl barely wore any of it or a couple times. From Dec to Feb. Took in the clothing I bought from them ( no stains rips or tears ) some clothing was from other places with the tag still on it. As well as new jackets. They do not go threw the box. Only grab a couple items off the top… gave me back the boxes, saying the rest was stained or wear and tear… when I opened the boxes it was like yea you didn’t go threw this one cause it’s exactly how I packed it… never dealing with them again…
Mary says
Complete and utter ripoff. Sold 6 really good pieces of toddler girls clothes. They had been worn maybe 3 times. They gave me 32cents per piece. Im sure they will turn around and sell for $4-5 each. Next time for 32 cents I will throw them in the garbage. DO NOT sell your clothes here. Sell on Kijiji or Facebook market place or just donate to a clothing store that is for charity not profit like Value Village.