I’m ashamed to say that, while I I’ve always been a bargain shopper when it comes to baby stuff, I definitely haven’t always been frugal.
One look at my basement will tell you that I had a serious inability to say no to any cute toy, outfit or baby item when I found it in a store for 90% off. And forget about stumbling upon a garage sale with great prices! I handed over cash by quarters and dollar bills from the beginning of one pregnancy until I could safely say that my second child was out of the baby stage.
After all that, I cringe to even think about the money I wasted on baby products we didn’t need. Even if it was the best product, in brand new condition and I paid pennies on the dollar for it, that dollar should have been saved rather than spent.
What Does a Baby Really Need?
I was in a fortunate position where I had wiggle room in my budget to buy extra things and make impulse purchases here and there, but I truly get that there are many people with no extra cash who still need to provide for a baby.
It’s easy to get swept away by the allure of shiny, modern baby products, but, believe me, your baby truly has the most basic of needs right now. Love, Food, Clothing , Shelter and Safety are all newborn infants really need. Translated into products, there are only five essential items:
- Clothing
- Crib and bedding
- Blankets
- Car seat
- Diapers/Wipes
- Bottles/formula/breast pump (optional)
{There are a few caveats to that list. If you co-sleep, then a crib and the bedding aren’t needed. (Although the practical side of me advises you not to co-sleep just to save money!) If you don’t own a car and never plan on bringing your baby into a vehicle, then you don’t need a car seat.}
Can you think of any one item that a baby needs, actually NEEDS, that’s not on that list? Of course, there are plenty of other items that are nice to have (a stroller or baby carrier/sling, a diaper bag, to name a few!) but none of those are pure necessities.
In the next installments, we’ll talk about how the necessities of pregnancy. We’ll also discuss how to acquire those essential items as inexpensively as possible (and maybe even get them for FREE). Stay tuned!
Image credit: Kenteegardin.
Readers: What do you think of this list? Is there anything you would change?
Danielle says
For me I would leave of the stroller and add an Ergo or other soft style carrier, leave off the crib/bedding and add a cosleeper, make sure they are CLOTH diapers and wipes (save a TON of money there) and leave bottles/formula etc completely off the list. Clothing & blankets are the type things that people love to buy for newborns, so I would leave that off MY ‘to buy’ list at least until after showers or the baby is born.
Nicole says
They do NEED a toy or book or something to stimulate. The parent cannot be expected to provide 100% stimulation. Right?
Nicole says
And I suppose it depends on the age of said “baby” 🙂
Jaclyn says
I would add baby body wash (no one wants a stinky baby!) and some sort of pain reliever/fever reducer.
urban mums says
I think a baby carrier (an ergo) is a need. My first would’t sleep and hated the buggy. This was the only way I could get her to sleep and gave me much-needed sanity!
And then with my second, the stroller/buggy was the lifesaver!
Katherine says
A pacifier!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Janell Poulette says
A baby may not need a lot but the parent need stuff to make life with a baby a little easier. I know having a swing and a sling did make life easier with my newborn. I also needed a stroller. I could not carry a baby through the mall and there are days where you just need to walk around the mall 🙂
glynn says
Not everyone needs one, necessarily, but I had many stitches with my first baby from almost the worst degree of tears…plus an allergic reaction to the stitches which made it worse….so in my case, I was extremely thankful for the changing table we bought. Many people told me I had wasted my money buying it because nobody really uses them. I wouldn’t have made it with out it! Plus, I still used it with my second baby…and it stores baskets of toys now. And, I’m sure I’ll use it with #3 who is on the way! So, for us it wasn’t a wasteful purchase! 🙂
jessica says
when i was preggo, we were planning a big move for 2 months after my due date. i decided to take a minimalist approach to parenting. at first, it was just to have less to move but in the end, it has been what has kept me sane. there are so many THINGS out there that people want you to get to “help” you be a parent. really, you don’t need much. and i found that the less i had, the better i felt about my abilities.
i got a playpen instead of a crib. i tell people about the fisher price rock n play sleeper because if you aren’t sure about a crib (we were on the fence about co sleeping) it’s a great alternative. this product is the number one underrated baby product on the market. AMAZING!
diaper bag=reusable shopping bag
changing table=receiving blanket on bed/floor
toys=safe kitchen utensils
i got the list of essentials down to:
car seat
playpen/rock n play sleeper
i still do not have much more than that and my kid seems to be loving life!
Andrea says
Clothes can be a big, messy category. Thankfully, between baby showers, grandparents, and thrift stores, my problem has been too many clothes, but not too much money for clothes!
If you really want to be frugal, minimalist, and unwasteful, make those diapers and wipes cloth!
I really think some way of hands free carrying the baby is essential. Most babies thrive on being held and Mamas have A LOT to do. It doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive, but every Mama needs to have at least one sling, wrap, mei tai, etc. (there are excellent tutorials online for making these).
And personally, I would find life MUCH more difficult without nursing bras!
Oh, and IMHO babies don’t really need bath products. Olive oil and coconut oil are the only things that have been on my 5 week old’s skin. We use organic shampoos in our family, and I think many are GENTLER than Johnson’s. A baby safe fever reducer MAY be necessary though :(.
silvercross stroller says
don’t forget in your list silvercross stroller 🙂
Mary says
How about baby food not just formula, cereal would be a nice addition as it will help baby stay full and get a good nights rest
Mishka B says
I’m guessing that this list is of things you need for a newborn. In that case, baby toys and food aren’t necessities and can be purchased later. I was in this position right before both of my births. We knew we were moving (countries) a few months after each of my kids were born and it was pointless buying a bunch of stuff that we would need to get rid of shortly thereafter.
This list is exactly what you absolutely need for a baby. I would even go so far as to say leave the formula off unless you know you won’t be breastfeeding or you live miles away from a store that sells it.
We also bought two packs of onesies and some socks, but we were given a bunch of clothes, so we didn’t need much.
Mom’s needs are a separate issue. Breast pads (you can make your own) and maternity pads are pretty essential (on my list ) and so is a good nipple balm if you are planning on nursing.