If you’re looking for ways to cut corners on Halloween costumes and festivities, take a look at these posts that offer some helpful tips on how to save money on Halloween costumes:
- 10 Ways to Save Money on Halloween Costumes was written by my sister, who’s a mom of four growing kids who love to get all dressed up for Halloween! I’d definitely classify her as a money-saving expert, especially for events and holidays like Halloween.
- Ask the Readers: How can we have a Fun and Frugal Halloween on a Budget prompted a great list of helpful comments! Take a look and find other reader’s favorite resources to do Halloween on the cheap!
Want some more inspiration? I have more Halloween articles to read:
- All of these DIY Halloween costumes made with tutus are to-die-for cute!
- This DIY Halloween Costumes for Babies and Toddlers post has a bunch of tips and places to find the best instructions for making the cutest homemade Halloween costumes!
- How to Make a Homemade Superhero Costume also includes links to instructions for a DIY Wordgirl costume, plus one for her little sidekick, Captain Huggypants.
Image credit: Great Beyond
HilLesha says
Great post! 🙂
Marybeth Hamilton says
Thank you! Thanks for reading and visiting 🙂
Sam says
Thanks for sharing these links. They are perfect!
Anne says
I always hate spending money on halloween costumes, since they only wear them once or twice.
Shop with Me Mama (Kim) says
wonderful tips and so helpful this time of year, thank you!!!
{Not Quite} Susie Homemaker says
Thanks for the tips!
Kathleen says
Thanks for the great links and tips. Lord knows with these four boys I need to save anywhere I can and Jase wants a Halloween themed party for his birthday next month too.
Crystal @ Simply Being Mommy says
Great tips! Halloween costumes can get expensive.
Louise says
These are some really great articles and tips. Thanks for sharing, Halloween is my favorite time and it sure does get expesnive