By Cheryl of SwapSavers, a social network for frugal folks who love freebies, coupons & rewards She’s a mom to these adorable twins who has learned a few money-saving lessons in her motherhood journey.
Saving Money with Twins
My twins were also my first children which caused me to purchase many unnecessary items. While I felt as prepared as one could for something as life-changing as multiple babies at once, there is so much more I could have known!
I also really wish someone had told me that it wasn’t hard to save money when I had twins. That twice the babies doesn’t automatically double all the expenses. So now it’s my turn.
Here are my tips to save money on twins:
#1 You Don’t Need Two of Everything Just because you are having two children at the same time does not mean you need two of everything. I got two bassinets (which you only use for the first few months), two pack and plays, two bathtubs, two diaper pails, etc.
I did not need two of any of these things. If I would do it over again I would not even use a bassinet, instead I would put my twins together in a crib. I also would not purchase a diaper pail again since I didn’t think it worked and it is just as easy to throw it away in an outside garbage. So what do you need two of? You need two cribs and two car seats.
#2 Twin Discounts If you do purchase two of the same item, always ask for a twin discount. Baby stores often offer a discount for 2 of the same item purchased at the same time. Even if it’s not advertised, it doesn’t hurt to ask!
Some companies such as Enfamil, Pampers and Huggies have twin programs which offers either free products or coupons. I received a month of free formula and a coupon for free diapers. I also always ask about twin discounts for any classes or activities they enroll in (i.e. soccer, music, and preschool).
#3 Ask Friends and Family for Unwanted Items If you need specific baby equipment or you are willing to accept any free kid and baby items, inform everyone you know. Most kid and baby objects are large and take up a lot of space.
Some people are only too happy to pass along their things to someone else, especially if they are able to get much needed storage space back. I have received lots of free toys and clothes from my sister’s friend, a person I have never even met!
#4 Go To Yard Sales Check your local paper to find out when and where the yard sales are being held. Sometimes home day cares also have yard sales. Many yard sales are filled with kid or baby items. One time I got a Little Tikes Cozy Coupe Car for $1 in like new condition. The regular retail price is at least $60!
#5 Sign Up for Coupons You can sign up through companies’ websites (i.e. Pampers) to receive coupons for formula and diapers. If you combine the coupons with sales and rebates you can get these items for half price or more, and then stock up.
#6 Use the Library Instead of purchasing books, magazines, DVDs and CDs borrow these items from the library. Many of these items your children will outgrow and the library offers all of these items for free.
Most libraries also offer children’s programs or activities. We started going to the free library story time when my twins were only 6 months old and they loved it.
My library also has a play room with tons of toys. When we used this play room I often met other mothers. The room was also a great place to meet for play dates. Besides being able to play with new toys, I could contain my twins by closing the door which I couldn’t do at a playground.
There you have it, readers! Do any of you have multiples? If you have ideas on how to save money on multiples, please leave a comment!
Haila says
Many cities have moms/parents of multiples groups. We just have singletons ourselves, but never miss their joint rummage sales –they're the best!!
mokeymomma says
My twins are 3 now, but the single biggest money saver for me was making the effort and successfully breastfeeding them for 1 year. It is not for everyone, but if you think might want to, give it a real try and ask for help. It was challenging, time consuming and physically exhausting but it IS POSSIBLE. Saving money was a big motivation for me to keep it up.