This policy is valid from December 20, 2008. Updated October 20, 2012.
BabySavers is a personal blog written and edited by Marybeth Hamilton. For questions about this blog, please contact Marybeth by email at
I started this blog in late 2008 to help other parents. As I’ve learned in the past few years, there are plenty of individuals and businesses who want their products or services featured on this site. I absolutely do not work with every company who contacts me, but the hand-picked few who do make the cut are featured in a few different ways.
I advertise for third party ad networks and accept static sidebar advertising from independent businesses. I also publish affiliate links and company-provided links. These hyperlinks may be included in various posts. I consult with and partner with corporations who may compensate me for the services I can provide to and for them. I occasionally accept and keep products, services, event tickets and other forms of compensation.
Sites and links change frequently, so it’s not possible to publish a list of all companies that may be an affiliate. However, you are free to contact me at any time before clicking on a link to determine if it’s an affiliate link. I also feel compelled to add that many links on BabySavers are not affiliate links and I make no money from them. My mission to help parents remains unchanged: I honestly enjoy sharing opportunities to purchase great baby products at great prices!
The various forms of advertisements provide a means for me to cover the costs of this site. Server space and tech support expenses are just two of the expenses that those ads offset. I do, however, consider the relevancy of those products, advertisements and links with the content found on here, or just my own personal life.
I am sometimes compensated to post giveaways and provide opinion on products, services, websites and various other topics. Regardless, I will always provide and express only my honest opinions, findings, beliefs, or experiences on those topics or products. I will only endorse products or services that I believe, based on my expertise, are worthy of such endorsement. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider or party in question.