Looking for a fun game that incorporates logic and math skills? Take a look at Laser Maze!
Laser Maze is the first logic game with a real laser! Tweens are going crazy for it – beaming, bending and splitting the laser to hit targets on a game grid.
Parents love the benefits to logical deduction, visual perception, and skills related to geometry and physics. This short video brings it to life. Laser Maze just won Good Housekeeping’s “Best Toy” award.
Laser Maze is intended for ages 8 and up. It has a retail price of $29.99 and can be purchased at Amazon.com.
The 2013 BabySavers.com Holiday Gift Guide may contain advertising or promotional information provided by the manufacturer or PR representative.
The gift guide is intended as a shopping guide for the holiday season, and this post should not be considered a product review or endorsement unless otherwise stated. As always, feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
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