If you’ve seen Big Hero 6 I’m pretty positive that you’ve fallen in love with Baymax. If you haven’t seen the movie yet, brace yourself: you’re going to adore this robot!
This is Disney’s official description of Baymax:
Baymax cares. That’s what he was designed to do. The plus-sized inflatable robot’s job title is technically Healthcare Companion: With a simple scan, Baymax can detect vital stats, and, given a patient’s level of pain, can treat nearly any ailment.
Conceived and built by Tadashi Hamada, Baymax just might revolutionize the healthcare industry. But to the inventor’s kid brother Hiro, the nurturing, guileless bot turns out to be more than what he was built for—he’s a hero, and quite possibly Hiro’s closest friend.
After some deft reprogramming that includes a rocket fist, super strength and rocket thrusters that allow him to fly, Baymax becomes one of the Big Hero.
One of the great things about Baymax is his simplicity. His character doesn’t have complex emotions, and his simple goal is to provide care and compassion. He’s also simple in his design. That’s good news for non-artistic types like me, especially when given the task of learning how to draw Baymax all by myself!
Last week in Los Angeles, our visit to Walt Disney Animation Studios included a personal Baymax drawing lesson from the Jin Kim, Disney’s Character Design Supervisor on Big Hero 6!
I found that Jin Kim was thorough but fast in his teachings of how to draw Baymax. I guess that makes sense, there are reasons he’s a professional animator and I’m a blogger 🙂
Fortunately for me, my Disney drawing lesson was in a small group–I would have totally embarrassed myself in a one-on-one situation! A group allowed me to blend into the background and just absorb the feeling of learning about character drawing from one of the best at the very best animation studio in the world!
Disney also has this great How to Draw Baymax video drawing lesson:
By the time the lesson was over, I was actually a tiny bit pleased with my own Baymax drawing. It’s certainly not the creation of a true artist, but I know it’s way better than I could have done drawing it freehand!
Thanks to Kelly Stillwell, TerriAnn van Gosliga and Disney for the photos used in this post.
Disney’s Big Hero 6 is showing in theaters everywhere! Get your tickets today!
Check out the rest of my Big Hero 6 posts:
- My Big Hero 6 movie review
- My experience at the Big Hero 6 red carpet Hollywood premiere!
- Top 10 Big Hero 6 gifts for all ages
- My interview with Don Hall and Chris Williams, the directors of Big Hero 6.
See all my Entertainment news or just the Disney updates.
Disclosure: Travel and expenses were provided by Disney to participate in this press trip. All opinions are my own, and all experiences were real.
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