Right now there are plenty of Huggies printable coupons to save $1.50 or $2 on each pack of diapers.
There’s also a GREAT Target printable coupon to save $3.50 on select Huggies diapers. Combine all that and get a great diaper deal at Target!
Here’s how to get in on Target’s diaper deal:
:: Buy 2 Economy boxes of Huggies diapers for $37.99 each
:: Use 2 of the $1.50 off Huggies diapers)
:: Stack with 2 Target $3.50 off Huggies printable coupons
:: Receive a $10 gift card at checkout
Final price after coupons and gift card: just $54.98, which makes each box just $27.49!
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