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Someone very special to me spent over $40 on this Moby Wrap just before I had my first baby. It was near the top of my wish list of baby items, and it never even occurred to me that I could find instructions for a DIY Moby Wrap.
My mother, however, totally gave me the side eye when I squealed with excitement and showed her exactly what a Moby Wrap was. Eyebrows raised, she watched as I opened the little pouch and unwound yards and yards of fabric. “That’s it?” she asked.
Then my mom, an experienced seamstress and a champion bargain shopper, inspected the full length of seamless fabric and finished off edges and simply said, “Marybeth!” Which is a thinly-veiled admonishment that usually suggests I’m still a silly child 🙂
I’d forgotten all about that conversation until I recently received an email asking me if I had a resource or instructions for how to make a Moby Wrap. I had actually written a brief How to Make Your Own Moby Wrap article a few years ago, but that information could definitely use an update!
Instead of bumbling through writing and designing my own instructions for a DIY Moby Wrap, I think it’s best to refer you to other experts across the internet who have the process perfected.
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Tips for your DIY Moby Wrap
Before I send you off to various sites to learn how to make your own Moby Wrap, I have just a few tips to share with you:
- Go to Target or Babies R Us and look a Moby Wrap in person. Moby Wraps come in a pouch made out of the same material as the wrap itself. Feel the fabric and get an idea of the weight, stretch and density of the fabric so you have an idea what you’re looking for when you go fabric shopping.
- You don’t need to make a Moby Wrap twin. Making your own Moby Wrap means you have your choice of patterns, colors and textures. Pick a fabric you like that you’ll actually use.
- All instructions you read will tell you to buy 5-6 yards of fabric and cut it in half the long way (so you’ll have two super-long pieces of fabric). RookieMoms suggested you ask the fabric store employee to cut the fabric for you. This is brilliant! Those people are magicians with scissors, and they’ll probably do the cutting perfectly.
- Buy the material at the lowest possible price. See my fabric shopping tips below for a few ways to save money on fabric.
- Watch a video tutorial on how to use a Moby Wrap. Trust me, this is much, much easier than following printed instructions! If you don’t get it the first time, don’t give up. You’ll be able to do it perfectly in no time!
DIY Moby Wrap Instructions
- Eschewing Debt recently posted how to make a Moby Wrap for $6!
- My favorite tutorial is RookieMom’s How to Make a Moby Wrap. I love the images and the video!
- Wear Your Baby has both no-sew and sewing machine options for a DIY Moby Wrap
- Monkey Sew, Monkey Do has great DIY Moby Wrap instructions that include sewing machine settings!
- He, She and I has instructions for a DIY Moby Wrap in 3 Steps.
- Check out Balancing Everything’s Faux Moby Wrap tutorial.
Save Money at the Fabric Store:
Fabric prices can be super-cheap or ridiculously expensive, depending on the store and where you look. If your Walmart store carries fabric, go there first and look for bargain-priced fabric for $1 or $2 per yard.
If you can’t shop at Walmart for fabric, head to JoAnn Fabrics. Visit the JoAnn Fabrics printable coupon page or check your Sunday newspaper for a flyer with a coupon to save 40% or 50% on one item or a single cut of fabric. If you can get your fabric for $2 a yard, your DIY Moby Wrap will be extra-cheap!
Have you made your own Moby Wrap or a different type of baby carrier?
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Michelle says
This is great info but I should say- the fabric store employees will not cut the fabric lengthwise for you. They only cut fabric to the yardage requested but will not do additional cutting. Just a heads up before you go there and ask them to do something they won’t do and get upset when they don’t do it 🙂
Lea Ann @ Mommy's Wish List says
Great tutorial! I’ve made bed stuff and baby clothes, but not a carrier. I like how you rounded up all the versions too, that’s so helpful. What type of fabric works the best for this?
Danielle says
Just as a tip, Joann’s Fabric has a mobile app which is free and AMAZING! I pulled it up in store yesterday, because I’m always there, and I’m the type to forget coupons, and it had a 50% off regular price coupon. I recommend it to anyone who shops there.
Winslet says
I too have a 15month old baby boy and I too have purchased baby wrap costly. I don’t have idea that I should have purchased material with different shop and than stitched it. Thanks for sharing this post I will share it with my friend’s.
Marybeth Hamilton says
You’re welcome! I’m so happy it helped you!